Inception of the North Shore Invitational Regatta


The Hornets practiced hard on racing tactics this past week, despite having meets against Wayland and Pingree cancelled due to high winds.  Nevertheless, the team trained for the “North Shore Invitational” on Saturday, a new fleet race created for the B Division of the Mass Bay Sailing League. 

This event was hosted by the three schools that sail in Manchester Harbor, and originated by Doug Walker, the Landmark coach, and supported by Pingree coach Steve Hall, and MERHS coach, Tony Leggett.

Eight teams from five schools (Landmark, ME, Beverly, Winthrop, and Wayland) completed 12 races, six for the A Division and six for B.  The weather was perfect for the sailors, with light to moderate winds that shifted around from the Northwest into the East by the end of the day.

The windward-Leeward racecourse allowed for hotly contested starts on a crowded line, with tight competition over two upwind and the long downwind legs.  Shifting winds required sharp attention by each crew to determine the quickest route to the next mark.

In the fourth race, a phenomenally well-timed (but risky) port tack start by Manchester’s Ian Carlin, allowed him to build up an insurmountable lead with his crew 7th grader Giulia Bussone, which they carried through all three legs of the course and across the finish line. (See photo)

The most impressive result of the day was the B Division winner, Landmark’s Dillon, who won each of the six races in his division.  The winner of A Division, also from Landmark, did so with a record of two firsts and four seconds.   Landmark easily won the regatta, with the two teams from Winthrop in second and third, and Manchester-Essex in fourth.  The two teams from Beverly and from Wayland rounded out the last four positions.

Manchester’s A Division boat was sailed by skipper Ian Carlin and crew Giulia Bussone, while James Donohoe helmed the B Division boat with crew, Gus Hall.  The Hornet team ended up fourth in both divisions, and fourth overall.  Given that the team consisted of one Junior (Carlin) and three 7th graders, our prospects look pretty good over the coming years.

Based on the success of this event and given Manchester Harbor’s enviable shore facilities, including the MSA dock, the town docks at the Rotunda and the Manchester Yacht Club’s deck and docks, we hope to host future events as large as 18 boats, whether for the High School sailing league or the MSA’s summer racing program.

regatta, riverview gold cup, ian carlin, pingree coach, manchester yacht club, steve hall, gus hall, james donohoe, tony leggett, giulia bussone