There may be those looking for an occasion to eat scones and wear their fascinator while listening to harp music. There may be others looking to spend an afternoon in an exquisite setting. If so, both urges can be satisfied at the Manchester Historical Museum’s Hybrid Tea at the Sharksmouth Estate on Wednesday, September 22.
Hosted by the Manchester Historical Museum and the Sharksmouth Estate, the Hybrid Tea is part of the Manchester-by-the-Sea 375th Celebration. There will be two seatings of 60 people each time at noon and again at 2 p.m.
To keep in line with the latest Board of Health Covid requirements, the luncheon menu from Timothy Hopkins Catering will be prepared and served in individual boxes and individually bottled ice teas will be served instead of serving the traditional hot tea. On the menu: Chicken and Caramelized Onion Salad on Mini Croissants, Cucumber and Boursin Sandwiches, Mini Scones, Fruit Tartlets and Sables (shortbreads). In addition, attendees will receive a gift of a small memento of the event.
This is a rain or shine event. If the weather is poor, attendees may choose to just view the grounds and take your lunch box and tea for later.
Tickets are $10 and will be on sale at Town Hall, the Council on Aging office (where van transportation is also available), or online through Eventbrite (search for “Manchester Historical Museum”).