To the Editor,
The Manchester Woman’s Club would like to thank all the people and organizations that contributed to the festive program and the lighting of the Friendship Tree for the holiday season on Sunday afternoon, December 4.
Jack Ingram of Bartlett Tree experts and Cicoria Tree and crane service and their crews put up the light strings and the snowflake atop our sizable tree. Dan Houde and Manchester Electric store the lights, test them, and connect them up. In Town Hall we thank Ann Harrison, vice-chair of the Select Board, Greg Federspiel, town administrator, Nathan Desrosiers of the DPW, and the police department for their support. At the First Parish Church Congregational, thanks go to Nancy Klebart, George Nickless, Jeff Parker, Sue Parker, and Bethany Woods for their help. The Manchester Masons under Todd Crane provides hot cocoa for the whole crowd. Art Bevilacqua of Essex Radio & TV provides the sound system; Erika Brown and the Manchester Cricket support our Buy-A-Bulb campaign and chronicle the event; Daily Printing in Beverly Farms prints the programs; Jean Spencer provides technical support; Felix Raleigh helps flip the switch to turn on the lights; and John Mason helps with transportation. The Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce sponsors the whole weekend of events that lead up to the Friendship Tree Lighting.
Thanks go to the impressive performers who graced the steps of Town Hall this year. In order of performance there was the MERSD High School Band, directed by Joe Janack; two troupes of dancers from Ballet de Mar Dance Studio under the artistic direction of Lauren D’Ambrosio; Tyler Cummins who wrote a new song for the occasion, “Friendship’s Melody”, and accompanied Kiki Campbell as she sang it; and the combined choruses of the Manchester and Essex elementary schools under the direction of Fiona Dooley, who also created the medley of holiday songs for us all to sing.
Many members of the Club worked to put it all together. Charlotte Minassian, Club President, is a constant support and fount of ideas. Elaine Persons chairs the Buy-A-Bulb program with committee members Eileen Morsett, Pam Spencer, and Joanne Donnelly. Pat Fenton organizes putting up and taking down the lights. Joanne Donnelly chairs the Cocoa Committee and serves it up with help from Katherine Keith, Charlotte Minassian, Lori Dumont, and Dot Sieradzki. Christmas greens on the town fountain and the FPCC façade are put up by Val MacAskill and her committee members Joanne Donnelly, Dyane Cotreau, Christine Gauthier-Kelley, Holly Gavin, and Katherine Keith. Mrs. Claus is played by Ann Gilson, and she and her Elf, Jane Hoysradt, give out candy canes during the event. Joanne Donnelly handles publicity.
And thanks to the enthusiastic audience that came out to enjoy the program and support the Friendship Tree Lighting.
Pam Spencer
Festive Program Chair
Manchester Woman’s Club