ESSEX FALL ELECTION GUIDE: Looking Forward to November


November 3 State and Presidential Election 


Voting Options: 

By MailIn-Person Early Voting and In-Person on Election Day 



November 3 State and Presidential Election 

Poll Hours: 

7:00 am to 8:00 pm 

In-Person Early Voting Period 

October 17-30 

(Hours TBD) 

Last Day to Register to Vote 

October 24 

Deadline to Submit Vote By Mail Application 

October 28 

Deadline to Return Ballot 

Postmarked by Nov. 3, Received by Nov. 6. Drop Box deadline Nov. 3 8:00pm 



* Drop Box deadline for returned ballots is 8:00 pm on election day 


Early Voting Location:  Essex Town Hall, 1st Floor, 30 Martin Street 


The in-person Early Voting period for the November 3 election is October 17-30.  Hours are still to be determined but will include weekend and evening hours. 


Vote By Mail  

The MA Elections Division has mailed an "Official Vote by Mail" Application to all voters registered as of June 30.  If you decide you would like to vote by mail, please sign and date the application and return to the Town Clerk's office.  If you are an Unenrolled/Independent/No Party voter and you want to vote in the November 3 election, you MUST choose a party ballot type - sample ballots are on the Town Clerk’s webpage.  Go to:  Your ballot will be mailed to you as soon as we receive them.  If you have already submitted a vote by mail application for the September 1 election, you do not need to submit this form.  


Election Drop Box at Town Hall  

A secure drop box (located under the portico in the front of Town Hall) can be used to submit applications as well as return completed ballots.  You can also email your completed, scanned application (with signature) to: or mail it to: Town Clerk, 30 Martin St, Essex, MA 01929.  The deadline to return completed ballots to the Drop Box in order for them to be counted is 8:00 pm for all election days. 


Track My Ballot  

If you are voting by mail, you can track your application and ballot by going to:  Applications which have been received for an election but have not yet been mailed will indicate PENDING.  Dates shown are the dates applications and ballots have been mailed out and received back in to Election Officials.  


Please visit the Town Clerk’s webpage on the Town of Essex website for sample ballots and further voting information.  Go to:  Please contact the Town Clerk’s office (978) 768-7111 or email: with questions. 


voter registration, voting, government, elections, early voting, massachusetts,,, town hall, unenrolled/independent/no party, town clerk