Education And Service To Country


Finnegan Doane, a senior at Manchester-Essex Regional High School, plans to join the Air Force after graduating from high school in June.

“It is a great opportunity for a leadership role, and it is something that a lot of my family did, and I wanted to follow that path,” he said. 

Doane said he has had interest in pursuing the Air Force ever since he explored different options for after college.  Also, the benefits of paid education after he returned was another motivation for joining the Air Force. 

“When the whole college admissions process started, I was choosing between different paths that I wanted to go specifically.  Then I chose the Air Force because I loved planes, and then it evolved into how much education can I zap out of the world before I die.  I want as much life experience as possible,” he said. 

Doane said he is far in the process of applying, and he is currently waiting for a response from his recruiter about his military entrance preparation test, or MEPS test, which is where prospective military workers go to get drug tested, tested for their abilities, and checked to make sure they are an American citizen. 

He said prospective military members can join the Air Force for either four or six years, and he chose to pursue the four-year plan. 

To figure out what he will be doing in the Air Force, Doane said he has to take the ASVAB, which is a military test to find out strengths and weaknesses.

“One of the careers I want to pursue is aerospace engineering, or taking photos in an aircraft, so either of those two. Eventually I want to go into the STEM field later down the line,” he said. 

carson komishane finn doane, manchester-essex regional high school, aerospace engineering, carson, california, air force, high school graduation, class of 2022