To the Editor,
My name is Donna Furse, and I live on Blossom Lane with my husband and 4 children and I am asking for your vote as a write-in candidate for a 3-Year term on the Manchester Planning Board.
We love living here in Manchester and being part of this great community. I would like to have a role on the Planning Board and be a part of the process to ensure that Manchester remains the wonderful place that it is, while also acknowledging the growth and changes that are constantly occurring. Whether you are/have raised kids here, live and work or retired here, or anything in between, I want to help keep Manchester the community you want to call home.
After attending many Zoning and Planning Board meetings over the years, I understand some of the real issues that we face and am disappointed in what appears to be a lack of communication between our Board entities. Some of these issues are overbuilding in some areas of town, differing views on what and where we build, affordable housing needs, revenue concerns, maintaining open space and aesthetic beauty. These issues need to be addressed while also maintaining the historical charm of our town. With so many differing needs and wants, I know the importance of being able to see the entire picture, and the potential long-lasting effects these decisions will have on our community. I am someone that comes at issues in a balanced way, and strives to see all aspects to make an informed decision.
Manchester is a special place to call home, and thoughtful planning is essential. I would appreciate your consideration and vote for the Manchester Planning Board.
Town election is on Tuesday, June 30 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Manchester Essex Regional Middle High School. Please write my name – Donna Furse – in the Planning Board section. Or, you can request an absentee ballot from the Town Clerk, Christina St. Pierre
Thank you. And let’s work together for a common sense approach for Manchester.
Donna Furse