Some important updates from Dianne Bucco, Manchester Town Clerk
Calling all business owners: business placards for your employees are available. With proof of employment and $15, employee can purchase a placard that allows for parking from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. in the residential parking lots behind Town Hall, at Masconomo Park and on Norwood Avenue.
Residents who did not receive a parking sticker for their vehicle in the mail, please bring proof of residence and the registration to the Town Clerk’s office so we can process your sticker before June 1.
Walk on tags for Singing Beach are $20 for residents if purchased through April 30. Order tags through the town’s online portal and pick them up at your convenience at the Town Clerk’s office in Town Hall. Come May 1, walk on tags go up to $35.
Finally, dogs registered with the Town Clerk by April 30, you will not be assessed the late fee. Wait, and registrations cost an additional.