Buy A Bulb Fundraiser


The Manchester Women’s Club has kicked off its annual “Buy A Bulb” fundraiser to benefit the community.  The Club is responsible for the lighting of the Manchester Friendship Tree each December.  Donations go to keeping the tradition bright throughout the holiday season.  Envelopes are distributed around town, and donations may be mailed in as well.  Sponsor one bulb for $5, or five bulbs for $20 to remember a loved one or friend.  The Cricket will publish a weekly list of bulb memorials. This week, the following have sponsored bulbs in the name of loved ones, or as a simple individual donation to the charity:

  • Arthur Landy in memory of Mr. and Mrs. B Williams/Paul Fuchs/E. O’Connor/Mr. and Mrs. Tom Andrews
  • Thomas Kehoe in memory of Nat and Ken Kehoe/Richard Lysiak/Joe O’Mallye/Jerry Noonan/Don Towle
  • Glen Lemay in memory of Walter and Blanch Lemay/Wendy and Paul Lochner/Patricia Noyce
  • Gullian Palumbo in memory of Anthony Palumbo/Dominic Prisco
  • James and Wendy Spittle on memory of Joan Brennan
  • Constance and Philip Leahy in memory of Dennis and Patricia Sheehan/Niam Lynch/Solange Bauman, Philip Leahy Jr/Oliver/Isabelle/James
  • Sheila Carrassi in memory of Bill/Annie/Emsaie/Anne Daley/Judy Gamble/Linda Cobb/Janice Crane, Helen Doucette
  • Susan Thorne Merry Christmas Jace/Sam/Steve Drivers
  • Katherine Lake in memory of Tanya and Paolo Ferretto/Marco Steel/The Lakes/Sergio Fantini
  • Stephen and Christine Kelley in memory of Gladys and Paul Gauthier/Betty and Frank Kelley/Judy Hood
  • William Siderewicz in memory of The Kinney and Siderewicz Family
  • Paul and Lauren Gudonis in memory of Larry and Margit Breakiron/Kally Moran/Seraphina, Dalia, Aurora Davies
  • Katie Lillie in memory of Linda Griffiths/Phillip Atts/Carolyn O’Malley/Gloria Landry
  • Eleanor Hatcher in memory of Bob and Florence Hatcher/Jim, John, Bill Hatcher/Betty St. Laurant
  • Sheila McCarthy Merry Christmas to William and Florence McInerney/Motaresi Family/Timothy and Katherine McCarthy
  • Mary Ellen Foster in memory of Fred and Pearl Cool/Borden and Betty Foster/Peter Foster/Mary Ellen Cool/Roland Cool
  • Charlene Young in memory of Ed Young/Margaret and Charles Logue/Skippy
  • Russell and Barry Aldrich in memory of Dee Aldrich/Alfrich Family/Hardwick Family/Hannigan Family/Laine Family

Donations are being accepted through early December.  Send your checks,

made out to Manchester Woman’s Club, c/o Elaine Persons, 56 Beach St, Manchester, Mass. 01944.
