Reminder! Mask Up Indoors at Businesses and Public Spaces in Manchester.
Zoning Board 40B Hearing: The ZBA will open the public hearing process on 40B Tuesday, October 26. Meeting details and agenda are posted to the Town website.
Public Safety Dispatch Update: The Board of Selectmen voted to request a feasibility study with North Shore Regional Dispatch. The Town is not obligated to commit to regional dispatch at the end of the study. Residents will be informed about public meetings and study results as they happen.
Halloween: Trick-or-Treat in Manchester will take place on Sunday, October 31 from 5 to 7 p.m. Streets in the Village will not be blocked off as residents are encouraged to stay in their own immediate neighborhood. A drive through Trick-or-Treat event will take place on Sunday, October 31 from 3 to 5 p.m. behind Town Hall. Register for a treat bag at
Primary Election: A primary election will take place on Tuesday, November 2 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. to fill a State Representative seat formerly held by Brad Hill. Voting will be held at the Manchester Essex Regional High School. Please see the Town website for sample ballots.
Fall Town Meeting: Special Town Meeting will take place on Saturday, November 13 at 1 p.m. at the Manchester Essex Regional High School gym with overflow space in the auditorium. Social distancing and masks will be required. See the full warrant on the Town website.
DPW Flushing Update: Hydrant flushing continues this week. Flushing will take place primarily from 8 p.m. to midnight. If you experience cloudy water, please run a cold tap until clear.
Heirloom Puzzles: The 375 Committee has a limited supply of wooden heirloom puzzles for sale. Please contact the Parks and Recreation department to reserve yours today at 978-526-2019. Great holiday gift idea.
Cape Ann Regional Vaccine Clinics: The Town is a part of a regional vaccine collaborative to help make COVID vaccinations convenient and accessible. Visit to book a local vaccine appointment for your first, second or booster dose.
Trash, recycling, and compost collection: Regular schedule. Please have curbside by 7 a.m. on day of collection.
Follow Us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @townofmbts and visit the Town website to stay informed.