Board of Selectmen Update for the Week Ending June 12


Town Hall remains closed to the public.

Staff is available to help you with your business needs. Phone lines are still down. Please email the appropriate department directly for assistance.

Phase 3 of Reopening MBTS Parks and Beaches will take effect on Thursday, June 11, 2020:

MBTS Beaches will reopen 7 days a week to residents only for picnicking, sunbathing and swimming. It will be staffed from 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. by Parks and Recreation and/or Manchester Police Department. Walk-on passes must be visible on every resident between 12 and 65 years old for admittance. A face covering is required when entering and exiting the beach ramp. Towels must be 12 ft. apart and residents are encouraged to sit with members of their own household. Bath house will open for bathroom use only and showers/changing rooms will remain closed. Parking lot will open to residents only with 2020 Beach Stickers. Please see the Town website to read the complete MBTS Phase 3 Reopening Guidelines.

2019 Annual Report:

In advance of Annual Town Meeting on June 22, support materials (Annual Report, Fin Com Report, MERSD Report and various handouts) will be hand delivered to all households June 10-June 11.  If you have not received the packet by Monday, June 15 please call the Town Administrator’s Office at 978-526-2000 and a packet will be brought to you.

Annual Town Meeting:

Monday, June 22, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. on the Manchester Essex Middle High School Athletic Field. Rain date will be Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. Proper social distancing measures will be in place to ensure the safety of all residents in attendance.

Town Election:

Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at the Manchester Essex Middle High School from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. If you don’t wish to visit the polls in person, please submit a request for a mail in ballot to the Town Clerk. The request must include a hand written signature and the address as to where you would like the ballot to be sent. Please send the request by mail (10 Central Street, #4) or by email to

Manchester’s July 4th at Home Contest:

In lieu of the traditional July 4th Parade, the Town is hosting a patriotic decorating contest. All Manchester-by-the-Sea residents (whose homes are visible from a road) are encouraged to participate and get creative! It's like your very own parade float. Let your red, white and blue pride shine! On July 4th all residents will be provided with a list of participating homes to drive by and enjoy! Visit the Town website to learn more and to register.

Town Hall Payment Drop Box:

Installed at the rear of Town Hall by the Police Station Blue Door and monitored by a security camera. Please use this convenient box to drop payments off for any Town Bills. No cash, please!

Trash, Recycling, Compost:

Regular schedule.

Follow Us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @townofmbts and visit the Town website to stay informed.

local government in massachusetts, town hall, selectmen update, board of selectmen, government of massachusetts, board of selectmen update, town clerk, manchester police department, manchester essex middle high school, annual town, 4th of july, manchester, town hall payment drop box