Birdhousing Finds Connect Between Youth And Seniors


 Earlier this month, a wonderful program of building birdhouses was organized to offer local youth a way to complete their community service hours requirement at school.  The idea was to build Audubon-approved birdhouses from a pre-cut kit, then paint them and distribute them to local seniors.  In the end, however, the program became much more than originally planned. 

Jeanne Westcott, director of Youth and Childrens Ministries at First Parish Church said all three houses of worship in Manchester became involved, along with the Scouts and a travel sports team from the Manchester Essex School District.  In the end, a grand total of 34 birdhouses were built, painted and delivered to seniors through the Council on Aging.  The visits were much appreciated. 

Westcott said the project was so much fun, the group is already planning on a repeat next year.

council on aging, manchester essex school district, director of youth and childrens ministries, first parish church, jeanne westcott