Article 6 will be considered by town residents at the upcoming Town meeting on November 13 at 1 p.m. at the ME Regional Middle High School. Article 6 is advanced by the Manchester Housing Authority (MHA) and the Manchester Affordable Housing Trust (MAHT). The article is endorsed by the Board of Selectman. It is also supported by Citizens Initiative for Manchester Affordable Housing (CIMAH).
The MHA and MAHT respectfully ask for your support for Article 6.
Town support accomplishes important objectives:
Affirms the 3 - year community driven planning effort related to the Newport Park, The Plains, Loading Place and Pleasant St. sites. The work includes a “proof of concept” feasibility study and ongoing community outreach and engagement.
Advances the community-vetted plan to improve and increase our community affordable housing stock, in sites integrated in our neighborhoods, that are part of the community fabric.
Supports a concept devised by town residents to responsibly increase our community affordable housing stock, expand housing opportunities for town residents, and help the town attain the 10 percent state mandated Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI) measure.
Is consistent with the recently adopted Town Master Plan that proposes community affordable housing on the Pleasant St. site.
Would be a favorable indicator of town support to developers who will be considering redevelopment of the sites in response to a forthcoming Request for Proposals to be issued by the MHA and MAHT.
The non-binding nature of Article 6 acknowledges that the concept is preliminary and that a selected developer will engage with the town on all development, design and finance plans. A final Town Meeting vote will be required for any transfer of town-owned land including land price relief (if needed) to support the creation and on-going operation of community affordable housing units.
We thank town residents for their support and engagement in our efforts to expand options for community affordable housing and are thankful for resident support for Article 6.
John Feuerbach, on behalf of MAHT
Elaine Persons, on behalf of MHA
john feuerbach,
elaine persons,
manchester affordable housing trust,
me regional middle high school,
citizens initiative for manchester affordable housing,
subsidized housing inventory,
pleasant st.