American Legion Auxiliary 100th Anniversary


The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 113, Manchester, celebrates 100 years attending to the needs of Veterans of WWl, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada and Lebanon, Panama, Persian Gulf to cessation of hostilities on War on Terror. This covers over 100 years of conflicts, and many made the ultimate sacrifice. We, the Auxiliary, have a mission to support the American Legion and all Veterans of all Wars. In observing our 100th anniversary, we will be printing up short articles from the decades of beautifully handwritten ledgers from our past Officers. We hope many of you will read familiar names and enjoy the events that took place from 1921-2021.

Part 1

The following is an excerpt from the first ledger (Oct.11, 1921) of minutes of the first organizing meeting of the Frank B. Amaral American Legion Auxiliary Unit 113, Manchester, MA.

“The Women’s Auxiliary to the Frank B. Amaral Post 113 American Legion Auxiliary met in the Price School Hall on Tuesday, October 11, 1921. The meeting was called to order by temporary chairman, Mrs. Raymond C. Allen, and the report of the nominating committee was read as follows:

President, Mrs. Hattie Baker; Vice President, Mrs. Foster Tenney; Recording Secretary, Miss Margaret Henneberry; Financial Secretary,Mrs. Albert James; Executive Board, Mrs. Raymond Allen, Mrs. Franklin Rustand and Mrs. Clifford Doane.

It was moved, seconded, and voted that the election be made by individual ballots and Mrs. Hattie Baker was elected President. The Chairman then turned the meeting over to the President and the following officers and Executive Board were elected: see above.

The report of the by-laws committee was read and each of the articles of the constitution was voted on separately. The regular monthly meeting will be held on the third Monday of the month at 8 p.m. in the Price School Hall, as voted.

An invitation of entertainment to be held in the Odd Fellows Hall by the local Legion Post on Tuesday evening, October 25, was read by the President who appointed Mrs. Charles Fritz, chairman, Miss Lena Jones, Mrs. Elise Ward, Miss Margaret Gillis, and Miss Mollie McNeary, as committee to help boys serve refreshments on that night.

After the business meeting, ice cream was served by a voluntary entertainment committee composed of Miss Raymond Allen, Miss Anna Coughlin, and Mrs. Elsie Ward.

Thirty-six members were present at the meeting. Respectively submitted, Margaret Henneberry, Recording Secretary.”

As you can see, as soon as the National Auxiliary was put in place in 1920, our village Auxiliary jumped into action. It is interesting to note that in 1920, the country was still recovering from the global pandemic and here we are again recovering from a pandemic in 2021 while trying to support our Veterans.

The Auxiliary History Committee: Eleanor Lee, Linda Lee, Cheryl Lamphear, Liz Dozier, Judi Sabella, Kathy Filias, Cynthia Bell and Michelle Baer.

100th regiment, american legion, american legion auxiliary unit, margaret gillis, lena jones, cheryl lamphear, elise ward, linda lee, mollie mcneary, judi sabella, raymond c. allen, hattie baker, liz dozier, albert james, kathy filias, american legion auxiliary 100th anniversary, price school hall, anna coughlin, michelle baer, cynthia bell, frank b. amaral, auxiliary history committee, margaret henneberry, charles fritz, eleanor lee, foster tenney