The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 113, Manchester, celebrates 100 years attending to the needs of Veterans of WWl, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada and Lebanon, Panama, Persian Gulf to cessation of hostilities on War on Terror. This covers over 100 years of conflicts, and many made the ultimate sacrifice. We, the Auxiliary, have a mission to support the American Legion and all Veterans of all Wars. In observing our 100th anniversary, we will be printing up short articles from the decades of beautifully handwritten ledgers from our past Officers. We hope many of you will read familiar names and enjoy the events that took place from 1921-2021.
Part 2
Here are the notes of the second meeting, so that you have an idea of how quickly the Women’s Auxiliary mobilized and started working on the mission to support the War efforts and Veterans.
“The American Legion Auxiliary to the Frank B. Amaral Post 113 met in the Price School Hall on November 21, 1921. The report of the secretary was read, corrected, and accepted.
The President appointed Miss M. Andrews as Chaplain of the local Auxiliary.
It was announced that the second annual convention was to be held on Friday and Saturday, December 9th, and 10th. Our Unit was allowed three delegates, so the following were appointed from the floor: Mrs. George Northrup, Mrs. Mabel Abrams and Mrs. E. Francis.
Mrs. Rust, reporting for the by-laws committee stated we can get a booklet of eight pages 3 ½ by 5” that would cost $10 a 100. As there will be a good many changes made in the by-laws this month at the convention, it was moved, seconded, and voted that the report of Mrs. Rust be laid on the table until after the changes will have been made.
It was moved, seconded, and voted that the Secretary will ask the Chairman of the School Committee, that we be able to have the Price School Hall until we have been able to secure another meeting place.
It was moved, seconded, and voted that the association purchase seven dozen aluminum spoons for use of the Unit.
A discussion regarding membership was brought up. It was stated that some people who really wished to join the Auxiliary did not feel that they could afford to pay the dues to become a member now and then again in January. There were also some who wanted to join as charter members but as of, yet they have not received their credentials. Moved, seconded, and voted that the Charter be kept open until the meeting to be held the third Monday in January 1922.
Mrs. Rust asked if the members know of the Army Navy Stores Association. Different stores all over the country are members and they give a discount from 5 to 10 percent on purchases made by an ex-serviceman or to one still in the Army and Navy who did service in WWl. The fee for joining is $5.00 ….
Mrs. Allen mentioned Cobb, Bates, and Zenxa(?) as being members. Also, Mr. Allen had more data which he would be pleased to give to anyone interested.
Since there were no more business items, we adjourned to meet the social committee made up of: Mrs. Mabel Abrams, Chairman, Mrs. H.M. Andrews, Mrs., Agnes Bailey, Mrs. Ellen Burgess and Mrs. B. Burgess
An entertainment in the form of a Musical War Romance, written by Miss Adele Haive, a former Manchester High School teacher, was given by Mrs. R.C. Allen and Mrs. H.M Andrews. Mrs. Andrews read the romance of “K-K-K-Kitty” and” Mr. zip-zip-zip.” Mrs. Allen playing and leading the singing of songs suggested by the narrative. After the entertainment, chocolate and cookies were served. Respectively Submitted, Margaret Hennebery, Record Secretary. A total of 30 members attended.”
We hope over the next few weeks and months, you will enjoy tid-bits of local history through the eyes of Auxiliary members. Keep on, keeping on with the good work.
The Auxiliary History Committee: Eleanor Lee, Linda Lee, Cheryl Lamphear, Liz Dozier, Judi Sabella, Kathy Filias, Cynthia Bell and Michelle Baer.