Allyn F. Smith, III & Robert L. Visnick Named Trustees of the Cape Ann Savings Bank


Last week it was announced that Allyn F. Smith, III and Robert L. Visnick, Esq. have been named Trustees of the Cape Ann Savings Bank. 

“Bob and Chip bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Bank. In addition to their extensive work experience they are also deeply entrenched in the Community,” said Marianne Smith President of Cape Ann Savings Bank.  “Both men live, work, volunteer, and have raised their families on Cape Ann. Bob and Chip have experience serving on local Bank Boards and will be great additions to the Bank’s existing Board of Trustees.”   

Both Smith and Visnik are longtime Cape Ann residents.

Chip Smith has experience in all aspects of financial management and is employed by Rockport Mortgage Corporation as their Chief Operating Officer.  Chip has experience across industries in mortgage and community banking, residential lending, financial services, real estate, as well as experience with software and accounting.  He is a 1989 graduate of Assumption College where he earned the degree of Bachelor of Arts in business management.  In 1992 he received dual degrees of Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in accounting from Northeastern University. 

Chip is active in the Cape Ann Community, having served as a coach and board member of Gloucester Little League and has also spent over 15 years engrained in the community through service to various youth and high school sports organizations and philanthropy efforts through his current employer.  Chip lives in Gloucester with his wife LeeAnn and their three children, Matthew, Marc and Jenna. 

Bob Visnick is a local attorney and owner of Cape Ann Law in Rockport, focusing on real estate, elder law, estate planning, and corporate law.  Bob is a 1984 graduate, cum laude, of Suffolk University Law School, where he attended the evening division while teaching high school science during the day. 

Raised on Cape Ann, Bob has deep roots in the community.  He serves as the elected Moderator for the Town of Rockport and as a member of the Greater Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce and serves on the Chamber’s Government Affairs Committee.  He also has served in various capacities for multiple local organizations over the years.  

Visnick is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the US Air Force Judge Advocate General’s Corps, serving in many legal and education capacities.  Bob started in practice in the Navy JAG Corps in 1985, continuing to the Air Force in 1998 where he worked on acquisition law and ethics.  He was also an adjunct instructor in the Estate Planning Division of the Air Force Academy.  

Bob and his wife Wanda live in Rockport.  They have three adult children, Rebecca, Andrew and Sarah. 

cape ann savings bank, robert l. visnick, rockport mortgage corporation, assumption college, greater cape ann chamber of commerce, real estate, marianne smith, matthew, chip smith