A Pause in Familiar Things


The board of the Manchester Golden Agers has confirmed that it will not be having its amazing luncheon, the “Summer Hummer” at Tucks Point, this year.  Obviously, this is due to the pandemic, she said.  However, Powers said it’s the board’s hope that come the Christmas holiday the Golden Agers will be back in action for the annual Christmas luncheon, but it’s too soon to know (“only time will tell!”)  In the meantime, stay safe and check back in at the first week of December.  Onward! 

The Manchester Woman’s Club has also announced the cancellation of the Club’s regularly scheduled monthly meetings for the remainder of 2020.  The decision was made in accordance with Governor Baker’s mandate limiting the number of attendees at gatherings, as well as the club’s wishes for the continued health and wellbeing of its membership.  As with the Golden Agers, the MWC is looking forward to involvement in upcoming holiday season events as well as future plans 2021 as the club approaches the end of this calendar year. 

pause, manchester, manchester woman’s club, manchester golden agers