Two young mothers, both named Tanya, met while pregnant with their first child while living across the street from each other in Winchester. Over nineteen years have passed, lives have changed, children have grown, husbands have changed, but their friendship has only deepened. Their promise to someday have a special bench in Manchester where they could come together, talk and reminisce, laugh about so many of life’s experiences that bond two women together for life, has become a reality. Their daily contact with each other has kept them close, even though it had been many years since they last saw each other – until Saturday, May 6. They met to celebrate and to commemorate their contribution to the Longevity Bench Project that further helps to create a walkable town for everyone. Generous donors, like the two Tanyas, have brought a gift to Manchester through their shared love for each other. The inscription on their bench plaque says it all, “It’s not what we have, but who we have”, said Pooh.