To the Editor,
As hope and anticipation fill the New Year, we here at Beverly Bootstraps want to take a breath and acknowledge the compassion and support we have received. Last year was unprecedented. We saw record numbers of clients reaching out for assistance. Food distribution grew 15%. Nearly 19,000 food assistance visits came through our doors. However, the most remarkable number was you – our community, supporters, donors, and friends. Whether you donated to our Annual Appeal, hosted a food drive, supported our Help Feed Beverly campaign, packed Fixin’s for the Feast or Holiday Breakfast Bags, held a virtual fundraiser, sold your handiwork and donated the proceeds to us, or adopted-a-family at the holidays, no matter what it was – your support mattered. Every one of you, no matter how large or small your donation, helped!
The strength and concern shown to our organization reflects the incredible ways our neighbors support one another. We needed you to come together as a community to help those that were suffering. The outpouring of support we continue to receive leaves us with a feeling of hope, optimism, and gratitude. We cannot thank you enough, and we know our clients feel the same way.
Thank you for answering our calls for help. Most importantly, thank you for answering them with smiles on your face. We have asked and continue to require a lot of our staff, donors, volunteers, clients and shoppers. Our programs are constantly pivoting as new information and greater needs emerge. Decision making is prioritized around health and safety. Masks and social distancing guidelines dictate everything we do. ESOL and HiSET education classes via Zoom and case management intake over the phone have become the norm. But this past year, our community never failed us and willingly adapted to new Thrift Shop donation guidelines, curbside food drives, and numerous other changes. We are grateful to be a part of this resilient and supportive family and know you will continue to help us meet the needs of the community.
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you. We miss seeing your faces. We are forever grateful, and you are always in our thoughts. Please continue to stay safe and healthy.
Sue Gabriel, Executive Director
Heather Johnston, Director of Development and External Affairs
Beverly Bootstraps