The stars were sparkling brightly on Saturday at the Spaulding Education Fund’s 12th Annual Night of Stars Talent Show. This year the gala production featured 40 performers from throughout the community. The show was led
by the Masters of Ceremonies Quinn Brady and Beckett Walker and produced by MERSD teacher Tyler Garofalo.
Students from all four MERSD schools showcased their talents, with the youngest performer in kindergarten at Manchester Memorial Elementary. The audience was treated to banjo, piano, guitar, and tenor sax performances, as well as songs from a kid rock band; ballet, tap and jazz dances; parody rap music; a gymnastics routine; a performance by the high school acapella group The Soundwaves; and other fabulous acts.
The Spaulding Education Fund was delighted to host the 12th year of the talent showcase, bringing back Night of Stars after a brief pause during the pandemic. The Spaulding Education Fund is an independent, non-profit organization supporting programs that enhance the MERSD curriculum beyond the tax-supported budget. With the generous support of attendees and sponsors, this year the fundraiser exceeded all expectations, raising almost $20,000 for the organization.
A special thank you was noted to the large team of volunteers who helped produce the event, from ushers and stage assistants to audio-visual specialists and janitorial staff. Concessions were provided by the MERHS Robotics Team, a Spaulding Education Fund grant recipient.
“The 12th Annual Night of Stars was an overwhelming success, with 23 incredible acts and a supportive community filling the auditorium. We are so grateful to our sponsors, the performers, and everyone who helped create this special night,” said SEF Steering Committee Member Wendy Brady, who spearheaded the event. “This event is such an important way to show community support for our outstanding public school system,” added Brooke Orr, SEF Steering Committee co-chair.