Board of Selectmen Update for the Week of March 5


Vaccine Clinic for Second Dose: 

On Saturday, March 6, Manchester will host the follow-up clinic to administer second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for the 300 residents who already received the first dose at Sacred Heart Parish Hall. A reminder email has been sent to all eligible residents.

School Budget Summit:

Manchester and Essex will come together in a joint meeting to discuss the FY2022 school budget on Thursday, March 11 at 7.00 p.m.. Please see the Town website for meeting details.

Annual Town Meeting:

Due to the pandemic, the Annual Town Meeting has been postponed until Monday, June 21 at 6:30 p.m. on the Manchester Essex Regional High School Athletic Field.

Excise Tax: 

Excise tax bills have been mailed and are due on Monday, March 15. Please contact the Tax Collectors Office at 978-526-2030 with any questions.

Nomination Papers:

Nomination papers are available to be mailed to those interested in running for local office on Tuesday, May 18. Please contact theTown Clerks office at 978-526-2040 or to make a request. Papers are due April 1.

Dog Licenses: 

Dog license renewals are due by March 31. More information can be found by visiting the Town Clerk page on the Town website. Payment can be made online or through the mail.

2021 Beach Stickers:

2021 Beach Stickers are now on sale online or via mail. Please see the Parking Clerk page on the Town website for complete details and instructions. 2021 Stickers must be placed on the front windshield in the upper left corner.

Town Hall is Closed to the Public Until Further Notice:

Appointments can be made with individual departments during normal business hours.

Town Hall Payment Drop Box:

Installed at the rear of Town Hall by the Police Station Blue Door and monitored by a security camera. Please use this convenient box to drop payments off for any Town Bills. Please, no cash.

Trash, recycling, and compost collection:

Regular schedule.