Thanks to Citizen Participation


To the Editor:

I’m writing today to express appreciation for the efforts of a group of interested residents who recently organized to study the ongoing issue of a lack of housing diversity in Manchester. The group looked at how to fill a critical need for housing that is market affordable (“small a” affordable) but not part of a subsidized housing program (“Big A” Affordable). The group found that a revised Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) by-law could have a positive impact on providing more housing choices in town.

The group included several residents with expertise in architecture, planning and housing issues. Their proposal would have replaced the existing ADU criteria, which are very restrictive (including a requirement that only an employee of the primary residence may occupy a detached ADU). A revised by-law would make it easier for homeowners to add an accessory unit that could help fill the need for more diverse housing choices, including the ability for families to house grandparents, adult children who can’t yet afford their own home, rentals to teachers or other local workers, and could offer some income to help elderly homeowners on fixed incomes stay in their homes. The proposal included restrictions to minimize impacts on character and would not allow short-term rentals to ensure the additional units would serve the community as intended.

Unfortunately, the Planning Board declined to accept the proposal for further discussion as part of the current Zoning Recodification process; however, the study group will continue to refine the proposal and offer it as a citizen’s petition at a future Town Meeting.

Regardless of one’s opinion on the proposal itself, I want to again say thank you to these residents who took on a complex topic and brought forth a proposal in a very proactive and positive manner. Too often, town boards and committees only see a large audience when residents are angry about an issue close to them. While this is understandable and expected, it’s a lot more fun to have the public engaged in decision-making in the early stages.

As Co-Chair of the Master Plan Committee, I was pleased to have worked with countless citizens, business owners, and other stakeholders as the town designed a thoughtful guide for the future. As we are now beginning to work through implementing important pieces of the Master Plan, I once again would like to encourage those of you who designed this community plan to re-engage in the planning process and bring your neighbors. Just as we needed a wide array of voices and expertise to build a solid plan, we now need more expertise and voices to ensure a thoughtful implementation.

In closing, a special thanks to Gary Gilbert (write-in candidate for Planning Board) for organizing the effort, and all of those who participated: James Brown, Peter Crabtree, George Davis, Jon Feurbach (Chair of Manchester Affordable Housing Trust), Matt Genta, Axel Magnuson (member of Master Plan Committee), and Chris Olney (incumbent candidate for Planning Board).


Gary L Russell, AICP


housing, manchester, adu, affordable, by-law, zoning recodification, town meeting