Please Vote The Friends of The Manchester Council on Aging


To the Editor:

Bank Gloucester is pleased to announce that their twelfth annual Banking for the Community Program will take place from September 1-30.  The bank will award a total of $20,000 to local non-profit and community organizations. Monetary awards are based on voting results.

Vote online by going to the bank’s website.  Or you may vote by paper ballot in person at the Gloucester or Essex banks. There is one entry per email address or one ballot per person.  You may vote for up to three organizations on each ballot.

We are pleased that Bank Gloucester has selected The Friends of the Manchester Council on Aging as one of the organizations selected to participate in the 2019 voting.  The Friends of the Manchester COA is the only Manchester non-profit selected to participate. Based on the number of votes received, $5,000 will be given for first place, $3,000 each for second and third and $1,000 each for fourth and fifth.  Fourteen other organizations will receive $500 each.

Let’s give town-wide support by voting for the Friends of the Manchester Council on Aging.  Again, residents can vote on the bank’s website. It’s an old cliché, but yes, your vote counts.  Please encourage others to vote also.

Thank you,

Andrea Morgan

President, Friends of the COA

manchester council on aging, editor, bank of gloucester