He’s Here! A Congregant’s Welcome


To the Editor:

You’ve heard about him! You’ve read about him! You’ve talked to your neighbors about him! And now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, finally, here is your long-awaited opportunity to see him in person, to hear his voice, to shake his hand!

Rev. Dr. Mark Boyea has recently arrived from Westfield, New Jersey. I know, folks, that’s mighty close to New York, but he’s already easing into the role of a New Englander. Not only has he found Dunkin’ Donuts, but he has also firmly claimed his preference for New England clam chowder and hopes to never be served that pathetic Manhattan chowder again. (Not to worry, Mark — you won’t find any in THIS town!)

This wonderful addition to Manchester-by-the-Sea appears in person every Sunday morning at the First Parish Church, Congregational, punctually at 10:00 a.m. Yes, this amazing opportunity will be available to you every Sunday. But, friends, the sooner you appear, the sooner Mark will learn your name and match your devotion to the Celtics and Red Sox Nation.

No password needed. No ID needed. No reservations needed. Just come on in those big black doors, sit a while, meet some smiling and friendly people, and see Mark Boyea in person!

Lynda Griffiths


lynda griffiths, mark boyea, first parish church