Agassiz Rock: Keep The Name, But Add To The Story


To the Editor, 

Short of rehashing the debate between Sam Cabot and Sheila Hill over Agassiz Rock and the Trustees of the Reservations, I offer this: In relation to Katherine Abbott’s comment, “perhaps an explanatory sign could convey today’s message” — I agree. Lets not dismantle, deface, or discard something from yesterday, but ADD TO IT. 

There were reasons people did what they did way back when. Even after studying the world they lived in, “You still don’t have to agree with their choices—you might even think they were really bad choices—but you may have a different understanding of them …Understanding context in which they were making their choices, can be helpful to us today.” (Check out 

Trustees of the Reservations: Don’t remove or change the name.  ADD TO information on Professor Agassiz and his Rock.  

Kitty (Clare) Parsons Weaver 


agassiz rock, sheila hill, sam cabot, katherine abbott, agassiz, national academies, geologists, samuel cabot iii, renty taylor, trustees, trustees of reservation, harvard, endicott college, cancel culture, samuel cabot incorporated, tappan