Root is Awarded $350,000 Cummings Grant


The Salem native organization, Root, was chosen as one of 590 organizations during a competitive review process. It is one of the 140 local nonprofits to be chosen for grants ranging from $100,000 to $500,000 through the Cummings Foundation $25 million grant program. During the span of the next 10 years, it will receive $350,000 to help its mission. 

Root’s mission is to help young adults create a pathway to independence through foodservice training and employment. By developing essential life and work readiness skills, youth leave Root prepared for success in the workplace. Since launching, Root has graduated eleven classes of young adults facing barriers to employment, each young person receiving over 240 hours of culinary and workforce readiness training and one year of follow-up support services.

root’s mission, cummings foundation, salem, massachusetts