Nannie Winslow Feted After 44 Years At Coldwell Banker


On a stunning last week at Tuck’s Point, Coldwell Banker’s Nannie Winslow  was the center of attention at a lively party thrown in her honor to celebrate that, after 44 years with the company, she is retiring as one of the area’s most successful real estate brokers.

Winslow began as a broker in 1974 at the Benjamin C. Tower Associates in Beverly Farms and moved in 1978 to be one of the first brokers at Hunneman Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate in Manchester and was featured in the Cricket with the owners Bob Mintern and Joe Leonard.  In 2002, Winslow was honored as one of Coldwell Banker’s “Exceptional People” at the Boston Park Plaza, attended by more than 1,000 people.  Last week, Coldwell Banker Manchester Office VP Alice Miller hosted the party, which was marked by a wide spectrum of people in the business, from all brokerages.  It’s a signal that admiration for Nannie Winslow is an equal opportunity affair.

“The fun of this job is about being given a challenge and solving it,” Nannie said.  “And making people happy in a new home that’s right for them.”

nannie winslow, benjamin c. tower associates, coldwell banker, real estate brokers, coldwell banker manchester office vp, boston park plaza, alice miller, bob mintern, joe leonard