Looking to Trees


There seem to be certain “themes” that are cycling into 2022.  One of them is “trees.”  It began last year, when, on the municipal front, Manchester adopted a comprehensive “tree policy” offering a first pass of formal regulation of public trees (defined as those on town property or abutting public Rights Of Way) and historic trees (called “heritage trees”) with a base or trunk circumference of 32 inches or greater are be protected regardless of where they live, whether on public or private land. 

The Friends of Trees in Manchester hope the policy will prompt homeowners to factor in trees, and think twice before clearing trees that might be better left alone to enhance property, boost property values and enrich daily life.

But then, also last year, our own “Mushroom of the Week” columnist Gary Gilbert wrote an extraordinary piece on the critical role mushrooms and mycelia have in the life of trees, for nourishment and connectivity. 

Ah, the mystery of nature!  This week, The Cricket’s nature contributor Jim Behnke is back, and he has teamed up with our features editor Kris McGinn for a lovely, beautiful series of essays on trees.  What a great read.

kris mcginn, manchester, gary gilbert, jim behnke, forest ecology