Essex Planning Board Results Are In


Essex planning board elections are complete for another year. Shelly Bradbury won a Planning Board seat, besting William 'Bill' French by just 20 votes in the town’s only contested race.  

As the season of municipal government continues Essex Annual Town Meeting (ATM) warrants are done.  Essex will hold its Annual Town Meeting Saturday, May 15 outdoors at Essex Elementary School, as it did last year, masks required. 

Last week, the Manchester BOS reviewed the final articles on the proposed Warrant for June’s ATM, which will also be held outdoors, at the ME Regional Middle High School football field, as it was last year.  Town Moderator Alan Wilson is guiding the process of what articles should be included, maintaining that those expected to draw long discussions or debates should be postponed to the fall, when distancing constraints will be relaxed, and citizens may be better able to handle an “all nighter” evening of voting.  (No mosquitoes is another plus). 

essex, alan wilson, essex elementary school, planning board, manchester, annual town, shelly bradbury