What Was Happening | Feb 3



90 Years Ago – 1933

The sublimity, majesty and mighty power of the sea when in an angry mood was never so well illustrated to the people of Manchester as during the great storm of Friday and Saturday.  Hundreds of people gathered on the bank at Singing Beach and watched the great billows thundering in from the ocean causing the destruction of thousands of dollars’ worth of property while man, mere man stood helplessly by, powerless to stay the destruction.

With the passing of one of the most destructive storms Manchester has ever known, Manchester is confronted with a very serious problem and one that affects every one of her citizens in one way or another.  The query what’s to be done to restore Singing Beach to its former self, is on everyone’s lips and to which there has been no answer up to the present time.

75 Years Ago – 1948

It was a “sad story” this past week as the local hoopsters dropped two clashes by a large margin, the first on Friday evening to Hamilton, 37-19, and Wednesday afternoon at Swampscott, 45-18.

Tuesday of this week the 1947 Town reports and Finance Committee reports as well as a report entitled “Looking Ahead” by the Manchester Planning Board were delivered to the voters.  Being delivered early in the week gives the voters ample opportunity to study the many problems that will arise at Town meeting.

60 Years Ago – 1963

Mrs. Charles A. Herrick will be the chairman of the 1963 Heart Fund Campaign here, the North Shore Heart Association announced this week.  Treasurer and Co-Treasurer of the drive will be Mr. & Mrs. Alen K. Needham.

A small fire in the engine of a truck in the Elm Street barn of Amelia Tree Surgeons, Inc., was put out by employees on the spot before firefighters arrived.

45 Years Ago – 1978

The highest honor in Cadette Girl Scouting-the First Class Badge-was presented to three Manchester Scouts Wednesday night.  They are Betsy Nickless, Jennifer Smith and Theresa Smith.  The awards were made at a candlelight ceremony at the Congregational Chapel by Gwen D’Epiro.

In the most lobsided victory since the men’s Monday evening bowling league began using their new scoring system, the Table Four team wiped out the Browns 36-6.  The top possible score for this system is 42-0.

30 Years Ago – 1993

The two small snowstorms that hit the Cape Ann area had little adverse effect here.  Approximately 5 inches of snow fell on Manchester Sunday morning.  Another inch in flurries was deposited during the day Monday and three more inches of the white stuff fell during the night Monday and early Tuesday morning.

The Conservation Commission is happy to report that after many years the dam at Dexter’s Pond has been repaired.  This will be good news to the many skaters who use the pond.  The repair work has brought the water level to normal heights and will help to preserve the ecological health of the pond by discouraging the growth of algae.

15 Years Ago – 2008

The Manchester Club awarded its 50- year members with mugs with the Manchester Club emblem on them.  The members were Harry Slade who joined in 1948, Pat Noonan, Paul Brown, George Brown, Ted Brown, Joe O’Malley, Jerry Noonan and Bill Temple.

Mary Buckley Harmon, the journalism teacher at Manchester-Essex Regional High School is pleased to announce that the staff of The Independent, the school newspaper, has received a Silver Medalist Certificate from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association.  The CSPA awarded the paper 910 out of a possible 1,000 points.

manchester, history, events, important, property, storms