What was happening on April 2 in Years Past


90 Years Ago – 1931

The state voted to appropriate $270,000 to fight mosquitoes along the North Shore.

Harry E. Slade, Jr. a pupil in the sixth grade received honorable mention in a drawing contest which was conducted by the Boston Herald for children in what they term “Curly-cues.”

75 Years Ago – 1946

One of the finest programs of the season was presented at the Historical Society Meeting under the direction of Miss Grace Prest perpetuating the name of the late Nathan B. Sargent, bringing to life many of his songs written many years ago.

Returned service man and women of the Baptist Church were tendered a banquet with entertainment Tuesday evening in the vestry of their church by members of the parish.

60 Years Ago – 1961

A goodly number were present Wednesday evening at the Manchester Historical Society to listen to Mrs. William Fraser read her most ably prepared paper on “Manchester Becomes a Summer Residence.”

The 50th annual meeting of the Manchester Nursing Service will be held on Thursday evening, April 12th at Memorial School with President Harry E. Slade, Jr., presiding.

45 Years Ago – 1976

An Atlantic Whitesided dolphin was found stranded on Smith’s Point Beach and was removed by Boston Aquarium workers.

Gracing the cover of “Rudder Magazine” for April 1976 is John Preston of Norwood Ave. and his 43” Alden Schooler, “Goblin.”

30 Years Ago – 1991

April is Earth Awareness month of Memorial School and the hallways are already decked out with posters created by the students and featuring a wide range of environmental messages about pollution, rain forests and endangered species.

Harold F. “Buster” Jones, 75 died after a brief illness.   Mr. Jones was a retired Firefighter for the town.


15 Years Ago – 2006

The citizens of Manchester must be comfortably sure that their town government is in good hands because only 161 voters braved the early spring chill to attend Town Meeting Monday night.  Town  Moderator Alan Wilson kept the meeting on task and by 10.00 p.m.  the Town’s business was concluded in record time.

The Manchester Bike and Pedestrian Committee, in conjunction with Manchester memorial School will hold the 3rd Annual Bike/Walk to School Week the week of April 24th.  This event helps increase the number of children riding and walking to school from an average of 10-15 percent to upwards of 75-80 percent.