What Was Happening | April 29


90 Years Ago – 1932

Visitors at the Boy Scout headquarters on School Street this week will be surprised and delighted at the fine exhibition that is being shown there of poster work, bird houses and shelters that has been executed entirely by the pupils of the public schools in Grades 3 to 8 inclusive in which some original ideas have been very cleverly worked out.

Little interest was manifested in the Primary held Tuesday, the polls being opened at 12 noon and closing at 6:30 p.m.  The box at that time indicated a total deposit of 82 ballots out of a possible 1346.  There were 50 Republican ballots cast and 32 Democratic.

75 Years Ago – 1947

World War 2 veterans who have received poll tax bills in the past week are not required to pay the tax but they are required to make a written application to the assessors in Town Hall requesting that they be freed from payment.

Miss Beatrice June Ericson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ericson of Eaglehead is included in the six Boston University Co-eds contesting for the crown of the Boston University Junior Prom Queen.

60 Years Ago – 1962

Two Manchester boys assisted in the rescue of a 47-year-old Beverly man from the water of Idlewood Lake early Saturday morning, April 21.  The two local boys, “Buddy” Bachry, son of Police Officer and Mrs. Alexander Bachry of Pleasant Street and Robert Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Davis of Vine Street, had joined the more avid Northshore fisherman early opening day and were on the spot when the near tragedy was averted.

The Manchester-Essex School Union will add a School Adjustment Counselor next year, the Union Committee decided at the annual meeting held Tuesday evening in Manchester’s Memorial School.  The new counselor will have the job of advising students through the eighth grade in both the Essex and Manchester schools.

45 Years Ago – 1977

“We’re meeting with a legend,” stated Toastmaster Ron Kelley as he welcomed about 300 people to the Manchester Memorial School for the reception honoring retiring Joe Hyland.  Joe is the kind of man you read about.  He’s one of a kind and we’re so fortunate to have had him here in Manchester for 40 years.

Sherman T. Burnham of 1 Walker Road, enlisted in the Air Force delayed enlistment program but does not leave for basic training until May.  Under this program he is guaranteed a position in the Air Force.

30 Years Ago – 1992

Mayfair posters have been appearing all over town and the Manchester Mother’s Club members are getting ready for their first big fundraiser.  Artists and crafts people from as far away as Vermont and New Hampshire will be selling everything from handmade wooden furniture, quilts, hand knit sweaters, pottery and much more.  Come and find the perfect Mother’s Day Gift.

Summershow is happy to announce that its 1992 production will be “Anything Goes” the 1934 smash hit which takes place on an ocean liner bound for England.  There’s romance, intrigue and comedy.

15 Years Ago – 2007

More than 300 people enjoyed Earth Day exhibits, demonstrations and nature walks in Essex this past sunny weekend.  Organized by the Manchester-Essex Conservation Trust (MECT) the events highlighted and celebrated the ecological diversity, water quality protection and recreational opportunities of the Manchester-Essex woods.

The Friends of the Manchester Public Library will hold their annual meeting Friday, May 4 at 7 p.m.  at the Manchester Community Center.  In keeping with the theme of the library’s spring ManchesterReads program the guest speaker will be Leslie Wheeler, author of Murder at Plymouth Plantation.

manchester-essex school union, manchester memorial school, boston university, joe hyland, idlewood lake, manchester mother’s club, beatrice june ericson, leslie wheeler, manchester public library, manchester community center, manchester’s memorial school, eric ericson, sherman t. burnham, robert davis, alexander bachry, essex