Essex Locals Sept 17, 2021


115 Years Ago – 1906

Edwin H. Oxner has been painting his house on Story Street, occupied by G.H. Cressy and family.  The house presents quite a striking appearance being in two colors, light yellow and red and attracts a good deal of attention.

90 Years Ago – 1931

Nathaniel M. Quint represented the town at the recent hearing before the Department of Public Works and the Essex County Commissioners called to consider road improvements in Essex County, among them the rebuilding of the highway between Burnham’s corner and the Manchester line, a portion of which is in very bad condition.  The estimated cost of this work is $43,000.  It is understood that Essex  will be agreeable to the work if the State and County will contribute 90 percent of the cost as in the case of the last work at the Falls.

cressy, essex county commissioners