Senior Highlights |Jan 13


There’s a lot set to happen with the Council on Aging (COA) in the coming weeks.  Check them out here, and for further information on any of these great trips or to reserve your seat on the van, please call 978-526-7500


Every Monday 10 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. at the Congregational Chapel (behind Santander Bank) starting September 12.  Hospitality (snacks) will be free and provided by The Friends of the COA



On Wednesday, January 18, the Manchester COA is pleased to offer a trip to Sunnyside Bowladrome in Danvers.  Enjoy a few strings of candlepin bowling.  No experience needed.  Get some exercise and receive fun and laughs in return.  The van will start picking up seniors at 11 a.m.



On Friday, January 20, the Manchester COA van will be going to Walmart in Danvers.  The van will start picking up seniors around 10 a.m.



The Manchester COA is offering a delicious comfort food lunch on Tuesday, January 24at the Congregational Chapel at 12 Noon.  Catered by Henry’s the menu includes Chicken Pot Pie, mashed potatoes, salad, beverage, and dessert.

The cost of this luncheon is $10 per person and open to the first 40 who sign up.  Reservations and prepayment are necessary by January 19.  Transportation will be available.



On Wednesday, January 25, the Manchester COA van will take our monthly mystery ride.  The van driver heads for an undisclosed establishment somewhere on the North Shore; it could be ice cream, pastries, sandwiches or all of the above and only the van driver knows!  A little hint will be given, so all can be prepared!  Pick-up will begin at 12 noon and return will be by 2 p.m.


The Manchester Council on Aging is pleased to offer a trip to the Cape Ann Museum in Gloucester on Friday, January 27.  The Cape Ann Museum features seven main galleries and five ancillary ones, each exploring a particular aspect of the region’s history and culture through permanent and special exhibitions.  A special exhibition, The Art of Mary Blood Mellen, will be on display.  She is often thought of in terms of her mentor, Fitz Henry Lane, but Mary Blood Mellen (1819-1886) was a talented and accomplished artist whose work displays a preference for a more vivid color palette and softer brushwork than Lane’s.  The Council on Aging van will begin to pick up at 10:30 a.m. The price of admission is $12.  Face coverings are encouraged.

Experience China (And Chopsticks)

At 12 noon Monday, February 6, the Manchester COA will offer a chance to experience China, via at the Congregational Chapel.  China is the world’s most populous country and the number one industrial and agricultural producer in the world.  Come learn about real life there.  Pictures from both the rural countryside and cities featuring cuisine and daily life will be shown.  Sample authentic Chinese cucumber salad and even learn how to use chopsticks!  Great for people interested in travel, other cultures, and world events!  The van will start pick up at 11:45 a.m., with a return around 1:30 p.m. For further information or to sign up, call the COA.

council on aging, beverage, driver, walmart, cape ann museum, santander bank, van driver