We Are TIRED of the Virus...But the Virus is Not Tired… Yet


You may have heard of "Compassion Fatigue." 

It can happen to those in the helping professions.  They "just can't do it anymore."  The need is too big; there aren't enough helpers, it feels like you're bailing a sinking ship with a thimble.  If you've had it, you know it.  You may have felt this in your own life, no matter your profession.  You may be feeling it right now. 

We've all had experiences of being "up to our eyeballs," "underwater," or "sick to death" of a number of things.  Most of us have good endurance…for a time.  We are New Englanders, after all.  We know that the blizzards come, the power goes out, and we have no milk.  School gets canceled.  It can even snow in May.  But usually, the impact doesn't last months... Until now.

Virus Fatigue.

At this point in our "COVID-19" lives, we have made the accommodations.  We have worked from home, managed to teach our children, kept them entertained, visited our elder loved ones through screen time or closed windows, prayed for those who are sick and those tending them, watched the news, and heard the statistics, predictions, and strategies.  And we are exhausted.  We have "Virus Fatigue." Pandemic Fatigue.  COVID Fatigue.  Total disruption of our "normal" lives.  Fatigue and fear of catching a lethal, invisible, and vicious pathogen.

So, we what do we do?

We take that "cleansing breath."  Do it now.  Right now.  Reading this, inhale…hold it...and exhale slowly.  Sounds silly, maybe.  But our breath is our center. It grounds us.  It can help regulate our mood, our response, and our nervous system.  It's free.  It's always available, and it really will make you feel better.  My shoulders are up to my ears at the moment, and as I encouraged you, I did it too.  Guess what?  It worked.

Our exasperation and fatigue are real. However, what it can lead to is dangerous. I've heard "well, I haven't gotten it yet," "I'm not in a high-risk category," and "I tested positive and had no symptoms, so now I have immunity.  I'm safe."  Dangerous.

The experts I rely on for factual scientific information tell us: "we just don't know this virus well enough yet" to predict with any confidence:

1.) what immunity looks like,

2.) when a proven and well-tested vaccine will be available, and 

3.) when "round two" may be upon us.

Until then, I borrow Dr. Anthony Fauci's statement: we are indeed, very tired of the virus, but the virus is not tired.  This should be a "call to arms" for us to engage in community life with an abundance of caution.  Masks, hand sanitizer, physical distance, and very selective choices to be in public places.  It's my health, your health, everyone we know and love, and the rest of our earthly neighbors. We can choose. 

"Let's be good neighbors."  Thank you, Mr. Rogers.  

anthony fauci, viruses, compassion fatigue, caretaking, challenges, covid-19